Advanced measurement technologies that drive performance

Solvina conducts advanced power measurements that achieve and verify optimal performance of plants and their control systems. Optimal performance may include fulfilling grid code requirements, maximizing efficiency, minimizing start-up time during commissioning, maximizing availability or avoiding instability, component failure or unwanted outages. We also offer unique services in achieving and guaranteeing island operation capability.

When performance is not optimized and verified by agreed measurement criteria, an installation may experience poor efficiency levels, unwanted outages, increased wear and tear on components, and failure to supply customers with power when islanding, which in turn may lead to financial losses or even refusal to connect to the power grid.

Applying multiple perspectives, challenging conventional thinking

Solvina combines measurements with thorough theoretical analysis and dynamic simulations. Customers can therefore be certain of achieving the best possible performance from their power plant or power producing facility. Depending on the nature of the project and customer needs, deliveries usually include on-site optimization, performance documentation, root-cause failure analysis, and investment recommendations for further operational improvements.

Our Measurement offering is designed to ensure that power plants and other facilities are run efficiently and reliably in all situations: normal operations, as well as during disturbed conditions such as islanding. In case of an investigation failing, the cause of the failure is identified and measures to avoid future such occurrences are taken.

Facilities where efficiency has been optimized will produce more power at lower fuel and maintenance costs. Optimized availability decreases the incidences of disruptions, and increases production rates. Islanding allows power plants to supply power to customers at all times, including during disturbances in the power grid.

Read more about how to ensure availability of aluminium smelters through island operation capability in the paper “Ensuring Availability of Aluminium Smelters Through Island Operation Capability” which was presented at the IBAAS conference 2018.
